Canada Post Update

Tag Archives: alberta canada

CBD Oil and the UK Law

CBD Oil and the UK Law CBD, also known as Cannabidiol, has become very useful in our daily lives due to its therapeutic value. Ever since its rise as a blessing without disguise to treat various ailments, there have been many questions concerning CBD’s legal use in the UK. Here, we probe the legal implications […]

Cannabis Cooking Gains Popularity With Legalization

“Want high, add heat, want health, just eat.” Rob Mahy used those words as he opened a cannabis cooking class for about a dozen students at Kathy Hopson’s Wolf River Farm north of Leith on Saturday afternoon. He used the words to explain to his audience that there are health benefits by consuming cannabis orally, […]

What Stands Between You And Pot Growing

You can grow your own legal marijuana plants — so long as you can grow them from seeds that you bought legally. And just at the moment, there aren’t any, so you can’t. Provincial cannabis monopolies would like to sell seeds, but licensed producers aren’t selling seeds to them. Eventually, once seeds and young plants become legally available, it […]

Toronto Airport Says Cannabis Trash Cans Are Not ‘Free Weed’ Bins

Toronto’s Pearson Airport has an important message for would-be stem-pickers: The weed there is not up for grabs. Last week, Canada legalized recreational cannabis, becoming the second country in the world to formally do so. While cannabis is legal within Canada, however, it is illegal to transport it across the country’s borders. To address this, Pearson Airport set up […]

Alberta Is Already Running Out of Weed

Officials say demand exceeded expectations but the provincial agency is working to help retailers restock Edmonton cannabis retailer Alternative Greens was closed Saturday after selling out of all of its stock in the first few days after legalization. (CBC/Scott Neufeld) After four days of lineups at pot shops across Alberta, some store owners say there’s not […]

Pot Is Now Legal In Canada. These Are The Stocks To Watch

  New York (CNN Business)Recreational marijuana is legal in Canada as of Wednesday. And investors seem to have the munchies for cannabis stocks. Shares of Canadian cannabis companies Canopy Growth (CGC), Cronos (CRON) and Tilray (TLRY) — which trade in the United States — have soared in the past week — and all year for that matter. […]

Canada Is Legalizing Cannabis. Here’s What You Need to Know.

MJN will keep selling you cannabis! Canada is poised on the edge of a cultural revolution and dramatic social experiment as it prepares to legalize marijuana on Wednesday. Although the move has been planned since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was elected in 2015, the country is scrambling to get ready for the big day because […]

All the Places in Canada You Can Get Legal Cannabis on Weed Day

After Oct. 17 – You can still buy medical marijuana on MJN Express. A province-by-province breakdown of government-approved stores opening on October 17. You’re welcome. Cannabis is going to be legalized in across Canada next Wednesday, October 17, but that doesn’t mean everyone is going to be able to buy and consume legal weed then. […]

Vancouver’s Newest 4/20 Retro Video Game Lounge

  The recently-opened High Score is bringing a retro gaming lounge to the heart of downtown Vancouver. Complete with video game consoles from the 80s, retro snacks and drinks, and some throwback television, it’s the perfect blast from the past. The facility boasts over 200 titles across the NES, SNES, Sega Genesis and Atari 500. […]

Restaurants to Add Cannabis-Derived Ingredients To Menus

 The James New York NoMad hotel is offering new room service items designed not only to feed but to relax its guests. The luxury hotel tapped famed cannabis chef Andrea Drummer to design a CBD-infused menu. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical component of the cannabis plant, usually hemp. It is a non-psychoactive chemical compound, […]