What You Need to Know About BMWO or the Buymyweedonline Website and Others Like It


There has been a lot of speculation on whether online weed dispensaries in Canada are operating legally. It’s true that shops like BMWO seem to be enjoying some popularity lately, but that’s largely because the online distribution of weed is not as heavily regulated or monitored for the time being.

With the legalization of marijuana, Canada has directed most of the attention to the brick and mortar retail sector. Because that’s the only way to build a solid foundation for the much-needed infrastructure. 

Fortunately, this means that some online shops can take more liberty with regard to what they sell and how they sell it.

What You Need to Know about Marijuana, Canada, and Online Sales

Even though it’s now legal to buy marijuana, Canada still has to work out a few kinks before everyone can get what they want. For a time, one of the biggest complaints was the lack of legal avenues to sell edibles or cannabis-infused food products.

That’s of course until October 17, 2019, after which licensed marijuana producers have been able to submit topical and edible product ideas for approval by Health Canada.

Although this process can take up to 90 days for one product, and approval is not even guaranteed, things do appear to be moving in the right direction.

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Of course, for the time being, various edible products are available in online shops like BMWO, Budmail, and others. But, it’s important to understand that there are some risks associated with purchasing edibles until the legislation becomes much clearer on the subject at hand.

Ever since the first online weed dispensaries popped up, at least some forms of edibles have been available. Were they legal? Not exactly. Where they illegal? Not exactly.

So far, only retail stores seem to be mentioned with any regularity when it comes to the production and distribution of edible marijuana. Canada either turns a blind eye to that or perhaps the authorities simply don’t have enough resources to regulate online stores to the same degree as retail stores just yet.

It’s a buyers-beware type of situation. Nevertheless, this isn’t stopping people from ordering their weed online, nor does it prevent new online stores from popping up. 

After all, with the current shortage of brick and mortar dispensaries, the high demand for recreational and medicinal cannabis has to be met somehow.

Can You Always Use the Dispensary Near Me Search Feature?

Probably one of the most used search terms by Canadian residents these days is “weed dispensary near me”. Since everyone can buy, a lot of people want to find the quickest route to the nearest dispensary and browse the catalog.

And why wouldn’t they? There are plenty of such services, including the popular Weedmaps, Wheresweed, and other weed dispensary locators.

But, it’s not that easy to buy marijuana. Canada doesn’t have the best infrastructure in place yet. As a result, you’re not going to find more than a handful of retail weed stores even in some of the major cities.

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The truth is that most people are accustomed to, and fond of, buying their weed online, including tourists. Missing out on the store experience may not agree with everyone, but the online medium is just much more responsive.

Besides, when shopping online, there’s more leeway concerning the size of the orders. While it’s illegal for a person to carry more than 30 grams of weed at a time, ordering 50 grams may not be seen as a violation.

That’s because there’s no rule as to how much weed a person can hoard at home. 

If You Want Lots of Options Consider the BMWO Weed Selection

Due to the difficulties that aspiring retail store entrepreneurs face in getting a license and the cost of retail inventory in general, it’s easy to see why online shotes have amazing collections of smokable, edible, topical, and other cannabis products.

Edibles, in particular, make for an interesting topic of discussion. Here’s a short list of marijuana strains and products you can easily order from BMWO:

  • Indica strains
  • Sativa strains
  • Balanced hybrid strains
  • Concentrates
  • Oil tinctures
  • Edible cannabis caramel
  • THC vape juice

Ordering Marijuana. Canada Lets BMWO Users Have some Discretion

All BMWO orders are shipped via Canada Post’s Xpresspost (also known as EMS internationally). Since Buymyweedonline is located in Vancouver, the shipping times will be shorter closer to the west coast, barring those who live in the remote Northwest.

That said, a lot of people have one particular interest now that legality is no longer an issue – is the packaging discreet? 

Although shops like BMWO operate under the guidelines of the Supreme Court of Canada, there’s no specific legislation that requires weed sold online to be packaged in a specific way or with distinctive markers.

In other words, there should be no need to worry about nosy neighbours.

Differences between BMWO Weed and Medical Marijuana

It’s no secret that medical marijuana has never been as favored by recreational users in terms of quality. Whether grown in the US or now in Canada, weed can go in very different directions depending on the strain and how it’s grown.

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Because of this, medical marijuana tends to be less potent or contains less THC so it won’t have the same psychotropic effect. 

Prescription weed is usually grown to maximize the healing properties or pain managing properties without the more dangerous (which some may call fun) side effects like “getting high”. Here are some of the key distinctions of medical marijuana (vs recreational):

  • Lower levels of THC 
  • Higher CBD content 
  • Guaranteed quality 
  • Verifiable optimum growing and harvesting conditions 
  • Less variety 
  • Potentially higher prices 

Of course, some of these differences may no longer apply, now that it’s legal to grow marijuana. Canada still requires wannabe growers to get approved for licenses but even then, the growth process must comply with federal regulations.

Too Expensive? Try a BMWO Coupon

There are many online and retail stores that sell marijuana. Canada paved the way for serious competition, even though some provinces remain under government monopoly when it comes to growing and distributing weed.

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Because of this, retailers often offer discounts and coupons in order to make more sales. There aren’t many BMWO coupons available at any one time. But there is the first-time order coupon code FRESH 10 available to new members.

That offers a nice discount on smaller orders. Of course, there are other incentives offered for certain bundles and sales items. 

How to Get a BMWO Coupon Code

The BMWO coupon code given in this article may be subject to change. But, all valid coupon codes can be found at the Buymyweedonline website in multiple places so you can’t miss them. 

Are BMWO Coupons Limited Time Only?

As it stands, the first order coupon is available for a customer’s first order only. It can’t be reused by the same account holder. Of course, like any webstore, you can create multiple accounts to take advantage of the same coupon code. But this one will require more planning since you can’t simply submit a different email.

It’s also important to mention that welcome bonuses can always change. That’s not all bad news since it’s possible for a new coupon to offer a better deal.

What is Budmail and How to Use it to Your Advantage?

Budmail is an online alternative to Buymyweedonline. The website can be used to compare prices for different strains of weed.

Soon, it will probably support the comparison of edibles, concentrates, upcoming infused beverages, and so on, courtesy of the Cannabis 2.0 revisions soon to take hold.

But, what’s perhaps even more important is that Budmail takes identification verification very seriously when someone wants to buy marijuana. Canada still has strict policies regarding the minimum age requirement, especially in some provinces. 

In any event, online vendors want to make sure their customers won’t get into any legal trouble. Perhaps for a selfish reason, they will get in more trouble (than the buyer) for selling to underaged people.

Driving Around for Hours or Ordering Weed from Buymyweedonline to Your Doorstep?

For now, it comes down to availability and convenience. Putting in an online order at BMWO or any other online shore is simply much easier for Canadian residents and tourists coming into the country to have a good time.

The availability of multiple strains, including those not favored by growers of medical marijuana in the past, has been well-received, which is to be expected. The recreational niche is all about choice.

That said, things are likely to get even better as more and more retail stores finally open up. More competition can only improve sales, research, and production quality.

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