Account Information

How do I become a member of MJNExpress?
It is free to become a member of MJNExpress. At the checkout screen, enter an account password and tick the checkbox to confirm you are 19+ years old and we will create an account for you on our site.
How can I see my reward points and order history?
Login to the site. Click on My Account at the top of the page. On this page, you will see your current points and order history.
How do I change my shipping address?
The shipping and billing address is the same. To change your shipping address, login to the site and click on My Account at the top of the page. Locate the Billing Address at the bottom of the page, click on Edit and enter your new address.
How do I change my name, email address or password?
Login to the site and click on My Account at the top of the page. Click on Edit Account, make your changes and click Save Changes.